The Palestinian story is often charecterised by struggle and horror. In many ways, this is a natural consequence of an oppressed people being subjected to a genocidal and apartheid regime.
Through struggle, resistance emerges. And the Palestinian people are the masters of resistance, embodying what the French author Andre Gide coined as "art begins with resistance".
It is impossible to talk about Palestine without talking about the constant struggle under an apartheid occupying force. We must recognise that there is no such thing as "free Palestine" without the dismantling of the colonial mindset that still exists. Resistance has always been recognised as a legitimate form of expression in the face of oppression.
Mawwal urges you to engage with the humanity of Palestinians. Through the writing of Edward Said and Ghassan Kanafani, or the poetry of Mahmoud Darwish, the film-making of Mohammad Bakri, Annemarie Jacir or Farah Nabulsi, the music of Le Trio Joubran or DAM. Explore the recipes of Joudie Kalla and Sami Tamini, alongside the writing of Ilan Pape and Noam Chomsky.
Palestine is olive oil and fried aubergine. Palestine is arguing whether ma’loubeh is made with lamb or chicken. Palestine is Taybeh beer and knafeh. Palestine is resistance through existence. Palestine is checkpoints and illegal settlements. Palestine is the right of return. Palestine is home; a home many Palestinian's are not allowed to return to.
Mawwal aims to provide a gateway to that home.